Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pretty Good Week - Almost

We had a pretty good week.  Only problem was Dad's feet as explained my last post.  Until.....dinner last night.  We went to Black Eyed Pea.  We only have a few places that Dad likes to go; more on that another time.  As soon as we sat down there was cold wind blowing on his feet.  Dan suggested putting his coat over this lap, but apparently he really wasn't that cold because he didn't want do to that.  He ordered vegetable beef soup.  The beef is so tender it is in pieces.  He called it horsehair???  Said it got stuck in his teeth.  They always serve soup with a real "soup spoon".  He didn't like it.  The spoon was too small.  It isn't any smaller than the spoon he uses here at home. Sometimes he complains so much when we go out that it makes me want to just start staying home on Fridays.  BUT, he doesn't get out very much and even with the complaints (which I think he enjoys) we have to buck up and have patience.  Staying at home is just not an option; unless it is Dad's idea.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It Must Be Tough

I think it is really tough on Dad this year.  His body is giving him all sorts of signals.  Yesterday he was telling me the floor in his room burned his feet when the heater came on (his floor has an upgraded pad and thick upgraded carpet).  Today he says the floor is freezing.  This is the first time he has said he thought it was his age and not the house that was causing him to be hot or cold.  Maybe we are making progress in convincing him the temperature in the house is always the same.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Here We Go Again...

He's too hot, he's too cold.  He just won't believe it is him not the house which is 71 degrees all the time.  One minute he is in a short sleeve t-shirt and the next he is in his coat freezing.  Nothing in the house has changed.  I see how upset Dan gets which upsets me.  If only he didn't complain ALL the time.  Hopefully this next year we will be blessed with more patience - all THREE of us.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We've all done this...

Dad and I were talking a couple of days ago and he was telling me that (this happened a while ago) he was getting the water ready to soak his dentures and  pulled out his hearing aides and put them in the water instead.  He immediately pulled them out and opened them up to dry.  Funny thing he says they have never worked right since.  I don't account this to his age (93) because we have all done similar things.  Who hasn't put the salt in the refrigerator or the milk in the pantry when they had something on their mind?  That was a good day.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Merry Christmas to my 2 followers.  I miss you guys and wish we could spend Christmas with you.  Love you and hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Here's the Latest...

Found out he can't leave his door open because the wood floor outside of his room is so cold.  So Dan closed his vent and he is now using his space heater as the only means of heat in his room.  Glad we have a security system with a direct link to the fire department.  Scary!!!